Fairport Convention - Angel Delight Lyrics

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Artist: Fairport Convention
Fairport Convention Author
Album: Angel Delight (2004)
Fairport Convention - Angel Delight Album
Song Title: Angel Delight
Genre: Pop
Visits: 874
Print Version

John the Wood went out one day
To view the scene from a different angle
He stood and watched a child at play
A-tinkling on an old triangle
Dave the Drum who was passing by
Bought the toy with a coin he'd picked up
You should have seen the gleam in his eye
As he saw a ?tune he's gleaned up? shined up

La la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la

Out in the rain if you want a cup of tea
Dodge the puddles in the yard
The lord of the land's coming round to complain
It's hard

The peacock flew to a very high tree
He didn't like grass or concrete fairies
Put me where the action is
I'd rather be with the next-door hairies
Simon spied the bathroom door
In his hand's a herb shampoo
Waiting for the waters raw
So little time, so much to do

La la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la

Stand in a line, take a book along
There's time for a game of cards
Now it's your turn and the water's all gone
It's cold

The next to appear was the . . .
He needs a rest or at least he says so
You probably think that he's flipped his lid
'Cos he wears high heels and a snow-white trousseau
Five foot three yet he stands so tall
And on the ground his feet are never
Friends may come and friends may go
But the fiddle bill goes on for ever

La la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la

The music room would make you grin
It's cold as a freezing pit
There's a hole in the wall where a lorry came in
Let's split

I quite like a breast of chicken
And I'm crazy about aspic and roast quails
But the sight to make my pulse rate quicken
Is a dozen nice fat snails
On the other hand, there's Pegg on the bass
Whose tastes in food are very much wider
You'll see a smile light up his face
At a couple of kippers and a glass of cider

La la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la

Stand on a chair if you want to watch the box
The fleas can jump a mile
Peer through the haze watching Top Of The Pops
And smile

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    Turn, turn, to the rain and the wind..."
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    If I could pitch enough
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  • Decameron
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    No colours where the children play
    She doesn't see the things she's sown
    White crosses painted on the door..."
  • Jack ODiamonds
    "Jack O'Diamonds, on the move
    Jack O'Diamonds, one-eyed knave
    On the move, hits the street
    Bumps his head, on the ground..."
  • Chelsea Morning
    "Woke up big this Chelsea morning and the first thing that I heard
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    And the traffic wrote the words
    It came ringing up like Christmas bells..."
  • Sun Shade
    "Dying's not easy today
    Trying but can't get away
    Feel just the almost touch of her hand and the trees in her hair
    ?Lies float? the sun, she saw only me in the sky..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Angel Delight" album, click "Fairport Convention Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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