Faithfull Marianne - Bilbao Song Lyrics

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Artist: Faithfull Marianne
Faithfull Marianne Author
Song Title: Bilbao Song
Visits: 680
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Bill's be all in Bilbao, Bilbao, Bilbao,
Was the most fantastic place I've ever known.
For just a dollar you'd get all you wanted,
All you wanted, all you wanted
Of whatever kind of joy you called your own.
But if you had been around to see the sun
Well I don't know you might not like for you to see
The stools at the bar were damp with rye
On the dancefloor the grass grew high,
Through the roof the moon was shining green
And the music really gave you some return on what you paid
Hey Joe, play that old song they always played.
That ol' Bilbao
Down were we used to go
Da da da da da ...
I can't remember the words ...
Da da da da da da
It's so long ago.
I don't know if it would have brought you joy or grief but
It was fantastic
It was fantastic
It was fantastic
Beyhond belief.
Bill's be all in Bilbao, Bilbao, Bilbao,
Came a day the end of May in '98
Four guys from Bristol came with sacks of coal dust,
Sacks of coal dust, sacks of coal dust
And the time they showed us all was really great.
But if you had been around to see the sun
Well I don't know you might not like what you'd've seen.
The brandy bottles smashing through the air
And the chairs flying everywhere
Through the roof the moon's still shining green
And those fog eyes all went going crazy with their pistols blazing

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  • Intro
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