Faithless - Bluegrass Lyrics
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Bluegrass Song Lyrics
No Roots (2004)
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Love is you (2x)
[Maxi Jazz]
My TV barks at me, from the corner
Life on the street is like a sauna, it's too hot.
Put bars around what you've got,
And the whole city lucky that we ain't been shot.
We got full blown decent into argument
Here we go.
Times to overthrow the parliament, so
In these struggled times
I wanna know, do you
Make a stand or just follow the flow
Even though, you know y' leaders are fullup of ego
Do we go where the others go and lay low
Only moving on someone elses say so
I say no!
What's in my heart is unexplainable
I ain't a fool
And happiness is attainable
And even on the days when rain will fall
I still plan to love and I always will
It's a calling from when I rise in the morning
This is a love we were born in
Ya tap it and it just keep coming and coming and coming
Love is you, love is us, love is ...
[Maxi Jazz]
Hmm. It's a powerful thing that can make a man sing
And bring people together with strength of feeling
Now, be connected from the floor to ceiling
Ecuador to Beijing become all the same thing
Like a movement, love too strong to deny
Born to fly but we stay grounded and I don't know why
We have a powerful tool, no need to cry
With it you separate the truth from a lie
The point I wanna make,
Is you could never escape from your fate,
The mistake is to take without giving.
So, break the tradition.
Make a decision, cause no matter how hard you try
You're still in prison,
If ya born with wings and you never fly
Listen, you don't stop,
Especially when the going gets rough.
That's when it's real
And I love that stuff,
Love is you, love is me, love is us, love is free
Zip up your front all ya want
But there's a heart in every seed
Love is you, love is me, love is us, love is free
Zip up your front all ya want
But there's a heart in every seed
[Maxi Jaz]
And I love that stuff (2x)
Bluegrass Lyrics
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Other Faithless song Lyrics
"Watch me ride...
Take the words and the bass,
Taste, and then swallow me,
You're chasing the devil,..."
Dont Leave
"Packing your bags like people in the movies do,
All severe, and not saying a word,
And I'm sitting down here just watching you,
Where has all the love gone?..."
Salva Mea
"How can I change the world if I can't even change myself ?
I cannot change the way I am ?
I don't know, I don't know.
I take a look at the world behind these eyes,..."
If Loving You Is Wrong
"I'm a sexual animal, eat you like a cannibal,
Crammed full of energy,
I'm inflammable,
Yeah, I finish my beer..."
"You've been out on the tiles,
Winning the smiles of men of low persuasion,
But I know you drink yourself crawling in the street until dawn,
Girl you look like a bad dream,..."
"I only smoke weed when I need to
And I need to get some rest
I confess, I burnt a hole in the mattress
Yes, yes, it was me, I plead guilty..."
Dirty Ol Man
"He's a dirty old man, And a dirty old man, He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.
I'm a dirty old man The mean streets are home, My life is cold, I'll chill you to the bone,
Heart of stone, Have a care, I carry traces of death in my hair,
You know my breath stinks, I leave shit everywhere,..."
Flowerstand Man
"Bout a month ago
I'd never seen your face
I'd never heard your voice
'Bout a month ago..."
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Faithless Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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