Faithless - Bring My Family Back Lyrics
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Bring My Family Back Song Lyrics
Sunday 8 PM (1998)
Song Title:
Bring My Family Back
Print Version
I'm on Lonely Street age nearly three
Recently Mama's cryin all the time is it because of me
Or my younger sister, even Dad was weeping when he kissed her
Face all Puffy like a blister, cryin' like he missed her
Since we moved away from the house where we useta play
They say I'll understand one day, but I doubt it, Mama never say nothin' about it
How'd it get to be so crowded
I found it a strain, everywhere I look I see pain
And I can't escape the feelin', meybe I'm to blame
So I strain to listen, prayin' for a decision, whishing' they were kissin'
This feels like extradition or exile, Mama finds it hard to smile
So I make pretend cups of coffe in her favourite style
She says child I'm working so there's nothing you lack
Bus she know I want my Dad, I want my family back
I'm on Lonely Street, age forty-three
Couldn't gauge when tot quit so my wife quit me
Took offence, took the kids, I wish that was the end
But before she took her leave she took care of my best friend
Workin' all the hours God send was not the tactic
Y'see cuz after ten years I'm left with jackshit
Wanted to make the cash Quik so I useta work real late
Bad sex, My woman's vex, even if I stay awake
And if I'm honest, I had a little cake at the office
I was eatin' We'd do our cheatin over coffees, makin' tea for the bosses
Makin free with me and I agree I got sleazy too easily
But I'm forty-three, this doesn't usually happen to me
Now I'm lonely, I wonder what my son's doing today
Suddenly I'm blinkin' like the screen on my computer display and I'm drinkin'
Concerned about what's down the track if I don't get my family back
I'm on Lonely Street, number fifty-three
Boarded up probperly, I'll probably get pulled down
Litter all around inside there's no sound and no light
But yo it gets busy at night, people creppin'
Derelicts sneakin' to fix, speakin'
On the way my timbers creaking', roof leakin'
And bricks comin' loose, knee high in refuse
But even though I'm a slum I'm still of some use
There was a time when my walls were decorated
And under my roof children were educated
But now paint's faded, windows are all smashed
A crash in the economy robbed me of my family And no strategy
combats negative equitiy so that's it. Like violence it's drastic
I'm freaking', and seekin' to be more than just a house of crack
somebody bring my family back
Bring My Family Back Lyrics
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Other Faithless song Lyrics
"Watch me ride...
Take the words and the bass,
Taste, and then swallow me,
You're chasing the devil,..."
Dont Leave
"Packing your bags like people in the movies do,
All severe, and not saying a word,
And I'm sitting down here just watching you,
Where has all the love gone?..."
Salva Mea
"How can I change the world if I can't even change myself ?
I cannot change the way I am ?
I don't know, I don't know.
I take a look at the world behind these eyes,..."
If Loving You Is Wrong
"I'm a sexual animal, eat you like a cannibal,
Crammed full of energy,
I'm inflammable,
Yeah, I finish my beer..."
"You've been out on the tiles,
Winning the smiles of men of low persuasion,
But I know you drink yourself crawling in the street until dawn,
Girl you look like a bad dream,..."
"I only smoke weed when I need to
And I need to get some rest
I confess, I burnt a hole in the mattress
Yes, yes, it was me, I plead guilty..."
Dirty Ol Man
"He's a dirty old man, And a dirty old man, He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.
I'm a dirty old man The mean streets are home, My life is cold, I'll chill you to the bone,
Heart of stone, Have a care, I carry traces of death in my hair,
You know my breath stinks, I leave shit everywhere,..."
Flowerstand Man
"Bout a month ago
I'd never seen your face
I'd never heard your voice
'Bout a month ago..."
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Faithless Singer
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