Faithless - No Roots Lyrics
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No Roots Song Lyrics
No Roots (2004)
Song Title:
No Roots
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[Maxi Jazz]
My love is generations old,
I was there when trees died as the world went cold
Still there when my people were bought and sold
What's going on? What's going on?
Your love is on a grand scale
Mine is in the detail
Your love is to change the world
We just want to have to hold
Two hearts, both forgiving
Two ways to see the same thing
One house there's room for all
We just want to have to hold (2x)
[Maxi Jazz & Dido]
No roots, no tree, no family, no me
[Maxi Jazz]
Our first fuck was more planning than luck
I had a deep understanding of what makes you (hot)
I did my homework till my dome hurt, I was a stone flirt
Hustling for some prone work, and I don't stop
I knew that you were good for me,
You 'n I fit together so beautifully
But only for three years were we in harmony
I've ended up part you, part me,
Love that we agree, not to be ugly
And now that we're free to create our own destiny
You will always be a friend to me
My love persists over land and sea, through centuries
I'll fill you up like rice and peas,
Like the breeze, Cool ya skin, fill your hair,
Even when I'm not there.
Like the breeze, Cool ya skin, fill your hair,
Even when I'm not there.
Like the breeze, Cool ya skin, fill your hair,
Even when I'm not there.
Like the breeze, Cool ya skin, fill your hair,
Even when I'm not there.
No Roots Lyrics
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Other Faithless song Lyrics
"Watch me ride...
Take the words and the bass,
Taste, and then swallow me,
You're chasing the devil,..."
Dont Leave
"Packing your bags like people in the movies do,
All severe, and not saying a word,
And I'm sitting down here just watching you,
Where has all the love gone?..."
Salva Mea
"How can I change the world if I can't even change myself ?
I cannot change the way I am ?
I don't know, I don't know.
I take a look at the world behind these eyes,..."
If Loving You Is Wrong
"I'm a sexual animal, eat you like a cannibal,
Crammed full of energy,
I'm inflammable,
Yeah, I finish my beer..."
"You've been out on the tiles,
Winning the smiles of men of low persuasion,
But I know you drink yourself crawling in the street until dawn,
Girl you look like a bad dream,..."
"I only smoke weed when I need to
And I need to get some rest
I confess, I burnt a hole in the mattress
Yes, yes, it was me, I plead guilty..."
Dirty Ol Man
"He's a dirty old man, And a dirty old man, He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.
I'm a dirty old man The mean streets are home, My life is cold, I'll chill you to the bone,
Heart of stone, Have a care, I carry traces of death in my hair,
You know my breath stinks, I leave shit everywhere,..."
Flowerstand Man
"Bout a month ago
I'd never seen your face
I'd never heard your voice
'Bout a month ago..."
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