Faithless - Not Enuff Love Lyrics
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Not Enuff Love Song Lyrics
Outrospective (2001)
Song Title:
Not Enuff Love
Print Version
Now when you climb
Into your bed tonight
And when you lock
And bolt the door
Just think of those
Out in the cold and dark
'Cause there's not enough love to go round
Now when you climb [fade]
And when you lock [fade]
Just think of those
out in the cold and dark
'Cause there is not enough love to go round.
[Maxi Jazz]
I tell you, wake up
You people need a shake up
You take up so much time
Worrying, scurrying,
Here, there,
Losing your hair
No money to spare
No love to share
No wonder you appear under pressure from here
You look fresher
But all I got is dirt in my hair
My nightmares manifest,
But I can escape
Yours is in your chest
With no form or shape
The tape is running
I push the button to send
Upon each other we all depend
Message end
Whoever asks my name
Or where I came from
People fear contamination
If they chary too long
I carry a strong
Scent of despair
It's in the air
I?m broken and hard to repair
I may mistaken be
But I patiently wait
On the path to humanity
I sit at the gates
Now when you climb
Into your bed tonight
And when you lock
And bolt the door
Just think of those
Out in the cold and dark
'Cause there's not enough love to go round
Now when you climb
Into your bed tonight
And when you lock
And bolt the door
Just think of those
Out in the cold and dark
'Cause there's not enough love to go round
[Maxi Jazz]
Dirty, Cold, Hurting, Sold,
Down the river
My liver in bad condition
Like my skin
Rain falling, once again
I'm in my bed
Hurt the time in
I'm gonna struggle for air
There's hair in my food
When I get it usually someone already half ate it
I try not to let it
Get me down
But my head's starting to pound
People go round, and round and round
From one I get a cigarette
A little more love found
But the ground is still wet
My teeth are chattering
And there's a spattering of seeds
Sometimes I lose all feeling in my feet
When I sleep I'll do my deep in the mainstream
But unaccountably my heart has grown
Small and mean
I hurry past
Retched people I pretend I haven't seen
But there's money in my pocket
And my clothes are clean
[Maxi Jazz 4x]
I said money in my pocket
But I just can't give no love
Money in my pocket
But I just can't give no love
Now when you climb
Into your bed tonight
And when you lock
And bolt the door
Just think of those
Out in the cold and dark
'Cause there's not enough love to go round
'Cause there's not enough love to go round
Not Enuff Love Lyrics
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Take the words and the bass,
Taste, and then swallow me,
You're chasing the devil,..."
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All severe, and not saying a word,
And I'm sitting down here just watching you,
Where has all the love gone?..."
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I cannot change the way I am ?
I don't know, I don't know.
I take a look at the world behind these eyes,..."
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"I'm a sexual animal, eat you like a cannibal,
Crammed full of energy,
I'm inflammable,
Yeah, I finish my beer..."
"You've been out on the tiles,
Winning the smiles of men of low persuasion,
But I know you drink yourself crawling in the street until dawn,
Girl you look like a bad dream,..."
"I only smoke weed when I need to
And I need to get some rest
I confess, I burnt a hole in the mattress
Yes, yes, it was me, I plead guilty..."
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"He's a dirty old man, And a dirty old man, He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.
I'm a dirty old man The mean streets are home, My life is cold, I'll chill you to the bone,
Heart of stone, Have a care, I carry traces of death in my hair,
You know my breath stinks, I leave shit everywhere,..."
Flowerstand Man
"Bout a month ago
I'd never seen your face
I'd never heard your voice
'Bout a month ago..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Outrospective" album, click "
Faithless Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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