Falconer - Per Tyrssons Dttar I Vnge Lyrics

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Artist: Falconer
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Song Title: Per Tyrssons Dttar I Vnge
Visits: 712
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[The Ballad of Per Tysson's daughters in Vnge]

[Lyrics: Tradititional, Translation: Mathias Blad]

Per Tyrsson's daughters in Vnge
Oh how chilly their woods
They were fast asleep a long time ago
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

The youngest was the first one to awake
She soon awoke the others

They sat themselves down upon their beds
and plaited the hair on each other's heads

Then they dressed in clothes of silk
and made their way to church

When they came to Vnga hill
they met three robbers who held them still

"Pray, would you care to become robbers' wives?
Or would you rather lose your lives?"

"We would not care to become robbers' wives.
We would much rather lose our lives."

They chopped their heads off on birch-wood stem
and soon three wells sprung forth by them

The bodies were dug down in muddy ground,
the clothes they carried to Vnga town.

As they arrived in Vnga farm
Fru Karin came to greet them.

"Say, would you care to buy clothes of silk
that nine maidens have knitted and crotcheted?"

"Open your bundles and let me see
maybe I know them, all three."

Fru Karin quivers as never before
and runs to Per Tyrsson who stands by the door

"There are three robbers outside our farm
they've gotten rid of our daughters"

Per Tyrsson grabs his sword and then
he runs to slay the two older men.

He asked the third one before he stroke
"Who is your father and mother?"

"Our father Per Tyrsson in Vnge,
our mother Fru Karin in Skrnge."

Per Tyrsson went to the smithy
and forged himself iron round his waist.

"What shall our retributi

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