Falkenbach - The Heathenish Foray Lyrics

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Artist: Falkenbach
Falkenbach Author
Album: ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri... (1997)
Falkenbach - ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri... Album
Song Title: The Heathenish Foray
Genre: Metal
Visits: 790
Print Version

...In ancient times once rode across the land
a man unknown on a horse of untold grand,
adorned his cape by thirty runes of gold
of whom the tales since ages unknown told...

...The man arrived at the shore of sea
and gazed onto the nightly sky,
his ears could hear and his eyes could see
two ravens dark as night passing by...

...In a distance far the thunder sounds
and lightnings reached the frozen grounds,
his breath ran fast, his heart pounded strong
as the day now came, awaited oh so long...

...Tears will fall and blood will soon be shed
when the dawn heralds the twilight of the day...
Then into battle they will ride with their swords in hand
for a heathenish foray...

...Countless miles he rode through ice and knee-deep snow
over mountains 'till the landscape changed its face
so he at last arrived where winds blew strong and chill
like a welcome to all those who trod this place...

...He in cape was wrapped, and with his hammer 'round his neck
he forced his way though he didn't saw the path,
but he did not rest, 'till he had crossed this land of chill
and the storm had calmed, when he stood alone on hill...

...His eyes could see the forrest shining bright
and its trees reflected solens golden light,
the sound of horns then reached his ears
to welcome him and take away his fears...

...from all their lands the kings, they came
with their retinue of countless men,
and the maiden in full armour sat on their horses,
winged, until the right began...

So he rested a while an recovered from his ride,
the horizon gleamed by the mighty northers light,
and the elder ones sang tales about the past,
of their ancestors pride, that will forever las

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  • When Gjallarhorn Will Sound
    "...Morning arose that day long time gone,
    two ravens above him showed the way.
    He was guided by Odhinn, led by the one
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  • ...Where Blood Will Soon Be Shed
    ""...from the darkness, risen our of blackness,
    a flame once, burning like red blood
    was seen by those who waited for the battle,
    to lead them to where blood will soon be shed..."..."
  • Towards The Hall Of Bronzen Shields
    "... The sun areose beyond the mighty hill,
    the inlet, ruled by silence, laid so chill...
    ... The shadows grew as the sun rode high,
    that day for countless people came to die......"
  • Walhall
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    that morning like a sunwheel at the sky...
    Shallow land
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri..." album, click "Falkenbach Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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