Falkenbach - When Gjallarhorn Will Sound Lyrics

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Artist: Falkenbach
Falkenbach Author
Album: ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri... (1997)
Falkenbach - ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri... Album
Song Title: When Gjallarhorn Will Sound
Genre: Metal
Visits: 749
Print Version

...Morning arose that day long time gone,
two ravens above him showed the way.
He was guided by Odhinn, led by the one
who shelters the fallen every day by day...

...Once blood was shed of countless of man,
in the name of the cross and christian pray...
for hundred of years his heart laid in chains,
but hate was growing stronger every day by day...

"Ruler of Asgard, father of Thorr,
send me your powers devine...
Grant me your wisdom, strengthen my soul,
so revenge of your blood shall be mine...

Allfather Odhinn, I entreat you with awe,
to ride with me side by side,
so avenged shall all be,
who had died in the past,
by the power of heathenish pride...

Master of thunder, lightning and rain,
soon your hammer and cross shall collide...
Protector of midgaard's daughters and sons,
in your name christian reign I will fight...

When the hammer will crush, and oppressors will fall,
my sword will be raised to thy hail!
Then the fires shall burn in the name of the Gods
as the sign of the heathen prevail!

Far in the past he saw what has been,
his fathers traditions handed down,
but he still kept in heart the will to prevail
as his hate was growing stronger
every day by day...

Deep in his heart a shadow had grown
which covered his mind with shades so grey,
but still every morning encouraged his hope
when he sat by the old oak
every day by day...

"Strong is my heart, and strong is my will,
soon I will break our chain...
Then the swords shall be raised
and our flag held up high,
the hammer of the heathen domain...

Long I've awaited the day of revenge,
the heathenish reign to return...
Now my swordbla

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  • Into The Ardent Awaited Land...
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  • ...Where Blood Will Soon Be Shed
    ""...from the darkness, risen our of blackness,
    a flame once, burning like red blood
    was seen by those who waited for the battle,
    to lead them to where blood will soon be shed..."..."
  • Towards The Hall Of Bronzen Shields
    "... The sun areose beyond the mighty hill,
    the inlet, ruled by silence, laid so chill...
    ... The shadows grew as the sun rode high,
    that day for countless people came to die......"
  • The Heathenish Foray
    "...In ancient times once rode across the land
    a man unknown on a horse of untold grand,
    adorned his cape by thirty runes of gold
    of whom the tales since ages unknown told......"
  • Walhall
    "Sol arose
    that morning like a sunwheel at the sky...
    Shallow land
    two ravens high above gave me the sign......"
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri..." album, click "Falkenbach Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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