Fall Of The Leafe - The Celestial Keeper Lyrics

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Artist: Fall Of The Leafe
Fall Of The Leafe Author
Album: Evanescent, Everfading (1998)
Fall Of The Leafe - Evanescent, Everfading Album
Song Title: The Celestial Keeper
Genre: Rock: Sympho
Visits: 679
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The Moon and Sun are gone from us, and all the stars withdraw, leaving us mere reflections of astral light. As the twilight
groves behind grow out of sight, I, in blind fury, in malevolent wrath, flee through the archways of self-deceit, into the
starlit lands beyond the gate, where the sculptures of ice and snow await me. Northwards my paths took me, unto realms where
all hope forsook me. Tumbling befallen, I was at loss on these paths everdark! Shivering, in tears I beheld the sight of
shocking brilliance starbright with shimmering beams of fragmented light. In the everwhite whirlpool of the Celestial
Keeper, wavering in the high domes above, She is the astral flow upon the firmanent in evermotion. She is the heavenly
eidolon of beauty - and despair - high above these merely mortal realms. Northstar - in solitude, in unspeakable forms
manifested unto me! Polestar, my perpetual Goddess who calls out to us
Yet how could I ever begin to grasp the might that overcomes all borders and limits of existence? How could I ever be alike
the celestial ones that are free of all sorrows of substance? The passing of my heart is at hand, into the vaults of the
nightly sky, to dance with the four winds and the gods and goddesses of the stars. Lovesick and compelled to leave behind
these lands I bid farewell. Let thee well die. For I join immortal ornaments of the heavens above, as a new day dawns on
the mortal lands, beyond the sight of the Celestial Keeper.

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Other Fall Of The Leafe song Lyrics
  • Evanescent, Everfading
    "I am come into these celestial lands; the dreaded journey is at an end. Time has passed, ages gone and lost, and the
    wandered returns to his home within the dead sky, to behold as, at the starlit dawn, Lucifer, the morning star, welcomes
    the Moon and Sun to return. The night is passed and I am as the last shadows to dwell underneath the foliage of the mighty
    Oaks and the boughs of the Elms of old. Evanescent, Everfading are my lays and all that I have achieved. And how could blind..."
  • Deference, Diminuend
    "Hellfire burns. This I can well feel. Before long,
    all sense will be lost to distances afar.
    I have been a witness to the
    collapse of all respect. Without the wit or will..."
  • Wonder Clouds Rain
    "Temptation. Self-Infection. Has a deadly hold of me. Melancholy.
    Alike the latter. A lone knight of my own wooden,
    round table. What pleasures do misery and chaos hold inside! Tiny, little
    rebellious creature is a fierce enemy now. Worry not...."
  • In Morning Mood A Utopia-Revelation
    "Some autumn morning. Some drops of water to reach the earth.
    And there was I. Enraptured, bewildered evermore.
    Shattered utterances that never caught ears.
    At tedious lenght utopias grow - still...."
  • Machina Mimesis (In The Corner Cafe)
    "Nothing less than the sound of footsteps
    condensing into a shape.
    Sneaking into the murky urban caf of crispy mornings.
    Realized it was a mirror after hours of work. They are filth...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Evanescent, Everfading" album, click "Fall Of The Leafe Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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