Faltskog Agnetha - Little White Secrets Lyrics

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Artist: Faltskog Agnetha
Faltskog Agnetha Author
Album: I Stand Alone (1987)
Faltskog Agnetha - I Stand Alone Album
Song Title: Little White Secrets
Genre: Soundtrack
Visits: 725
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It comes down to this
Your little white secrets are coming between us
Sooner or later they'll turn into little white lies
And I know, yes I know, that your passion's unspoken
Out of control, you think nobody knows.

I understand you, I understand your little white secrets
I understand you, your strength and your weakness
I wanna know, wanna know you, inside out
Every little thought that you're ashamed about
I understand you, I understand your little white secrets.

Oh Baby go easy,
You don't have to make me your judge and your jury
It's bad enough when you come down so hard on yourself
And I'll still be the one, when you're scared and you're broken
All alone in the dark, let me shake you right down to your heart.

I understand you, I understand your little white secrets
I understand you, your strength and your weakness
I wanna know you, inside out
Every little thought that you're ashamed about
I understand you, I understand your little white secrets.

Burning dreams hiding in your pillow
Makes it hard when you try to live so perfectly
Pretty eyes, dark as a shadow
What do you think I'll see?
Baby, you're just like me...
I understand you.

I wanna know you, inside out
Every little thought that you're ashamed about
I understand you, (yes, I understand) your little white secrets
I understand you, (yes, I understand) your little white secrets
Ohh...(yes, I understand)
Yes, I understand you
Oh yes, I understand you
Yes, I understand you....

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Other Faltskog Agnetha song Lyrics
  • Shame
    "It doesn't matter what you say,
    I don't believe you anyway,
    Talking love is easy when it's new.
    Slow down don't move so fast,..."
  • Stay
    "I know you've been around, I don't mind,
    You know I've been down, for such for a long time,
    We both wanna care
    Lonely hearts searching for someone there..."
  • Once Burned, Twice Shy
    "Once burned, twice shy
    I've learned , I've cried
    And I'm never gonna hurt that way again
    Once burned , twice shy..."
  • Mr. Persuasion
    "Now I made up my mind
    But it's never too late,
    You can turn the tide in any conversation
    You sway me when you say it that way..."
  • Wrap Your Arms Around Me
    "Wrap your arms around me
    When you're so far away
    At the end of each day
    Counting the moments till you fade away..."
  • To Love
    "The thought of you beside me
    Is doing more than just excite me,
    I never thought that I could feel like I do right now.
    I'd trade fame and fortune..."
  • I Wish Tonight Could Last Forever
    "It feels so good to be by your side
    Oh darling let me be your guide
    >From tonight let's stay together
    There's a blue moon in the sky..."
  • Man
    "You are beside me, I'm part of you now
    Love of my life this moment was made for us somehow,
    Where did you come from and how did it start,
    Was it a star from heaven that brightened up my heart?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "I Stand Alone" album, click "Faltskog Agnetha Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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