Fame Soundtrack - Think Of Meryl Streep Lyrics

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Artist: Fame Soundtrack
Song Title: Think Of Meryl Streep
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Think of how to use it, use it on the stage
Think of Glenda Jackson, think of Gerry Page,
Think of all the feelings wasted on this creep
Think of how to use them...
Think of Meryl Streep!

why should I be crazy, spilling out my guts,
Make a big explosion, go completely nuts?
These are my emotions, mine alone to keep,
I know I could use them,
Think of Meryl Streep!

Inside me there's a world of colors and light,
Nothing has to be wrong, nothing has to be right,
Inside me are treasures that glow,
An actresses job is to know what she's willing to show,
And then hide all the rest, so no one's the wiser
Save up the best, like Midas the miser,
Keep every moment under control,
Always in charge playing a role...

Smile and shrug your shoulders, make believe it's fine,
Come up with an answer, or a witty line,
Though your heart is breaking, never start to weep,
Someday you can use it...
Someday you can use it...
Someday you can use it...
Think of Meryl Streep!

Oh I could just kill him!

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    I pray I make
    I pray I make P.A...."
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  • I Want To Make Magic
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    I want to be bigger than I am
    I wan to make people really care
    Really give a damn..."
  • In L.A.
    "Out in L.A. and broke on the ticket that
    This fellow sent me
    One change of clothes in the suitcase that my girlfriend Anna
    Lent me..."

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