Family Kelly - Why Why Why Lyrics

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Artist: Family Kelly
Family Kelly Author
Song Title: Why Why Why
Visits: 667
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Walkin' down the streets
You look into a dump
You look into a dump and you say
Why why whywhy why why

Running down the highway
As fastas you can
You throw a tin can and you say
Why why why why why why

Tell me why tell me why
Tell me why do you destroy
And you try and you try
To destroy

I'm knocking on your door
My knees are on the floor
I get you on the phone and you say no
Why why why why why why

Tell me why ...

Walkin' down the streets
You look into a dump
You look into a dump and you say
Why why whywhy why why

Mediaval warrior riding on his horse
Slices your head and you say why
Why why why why why why

Mediaval warrior riding on his horse
Promised you heaven
But put you through hell
Why why why why why why

Tell me why

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    And baby I understand
    And believe me..."

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