Fan 3 - Broken Home Lyrics

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Artist: Fan 3
Song Title: Broken Home
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This chick goes to school in her brand new Benz
It's filled with her friends but when the day ends it's colder
She just found out her parents' marriage is over
She's supposed to understand when she's older
At least that's what her parents told her
But now she's going off on them because they can't scold her
There's tears in her eyes
She yells and she cries
Her world tumbles down and she wishes to die
She has to comply when her life's gone awry
So she turns to her mom, looks her in the eye
How could you push him away?
Please mom, make him stay
We'll wake up tomorrow, it will be a new day
You can try to work it out, he don't have to bounce
Not an ounce of respect left deaf to her parent's tongue
This sitch ain't gonna be fun
She's done, had enough
Coping with this is 'bout to be tough

One young girl
And she's caught outside
In the cold
Scared to the bone
But trying to be bold
But when she wakes up she's all alone
In a broken home

Two months later, she's got miles on her car
From going out to her dad's cause he lives so far
And her mom's crying cause she ain't got the first check
They're about to lose the house but this chick would bet
That if her mom would just stop boozing and using
Then they would stop losing everything that they had
But she's so mad, so angry and sad
And she wants more than anything to live with her dad
But her dad's generous with twenty-four grand a year
And her mom has the nerve to shed one tear
So she stands up eye to eye, watches her mom cry
And lets out all the feelings inside
She yells, "Yo trick, stop crying like you dying
Stop trying to make me feel bad for you
After all the drama me and my brother went through
You have the nerve to carry on like you do?
You act like a child and I'm your mother
So girl, get up and go take care of my brother
Stop yelling at me cause you ain't got no excuse
And I'm never gonna feel sorry for you


Now you've seen my life and you've seen what I'm about
And I doubt even now you could figure me out
Just because I don't have love don't feel for me
Do what you have to do to write your own love story


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