Fan 3 - What They Gonna Think-Lizzie Mcguire Soundtrack Lyrics

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Artist: Fan 3
Song Title: What They Gonna Think-Lizzie Mcguire Soundtrack
Visits: 967
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Gimmie a little more than candy.

Yo, that was the chorus and here comes the
Rap so everybody put your hands together and clap
You rememebr the good old days back in school
When you tried your hardest to keep your cool
Around that person that you always liked and you heard
that he might ask you out tonight
Yall be goin to the bathroom in the middle of class
He said a girl threw up with a fake hall pass
You got a nice little note. It took an hour to write
Askin' if you got anything planned for tonight
Well these days its almost the same thing
Except instead of a note the cell phone ring
He hooks me up with a tour
Seein' if I got the call
Makin sure I hadnt made private plans at the mall
But when I looked at his face and i saw his smile it
Made me wanna put his number in my palm piolet

What they gonna think When you come back to school
Your cheeks bust down pink and your actin like a fool
And what they gonna think when u come back to school
Your cheeks bust down pink and your actin like a fool

Yall remember the 1st time that yall went out
You picked a rough better house walkin arm an arm
You say hello to his momma. hello to his daddy
Then you smiled at her and she made you feel glad
You gave her the rose you picked up on the way
And this is when you get started for the date
She hated the movie
But pretended like she liked
Cause she really cant stand all the voilence and fightin
Its off torwards dinner, where to go
You pretend u had it figued out a week ago
Yall go 2 dinner but its not to fancy
You have fun all night. eatin and daicin
Well in the year 2002 we will
find somethin cool to do
And you will probobly have a whole lot of fun
Maybe chill with some friends before the night is done


Well now youve been goin out 4 some
time and it was easy to tell hime what was your mind
Yall will chill together and
Listen to some vidol
But u were still young
No decisions were final
These days we have things called cds. You old folks
May not be to firmalar with these
But us kids like to listen to em together
Rock pop hip hop. It dont matter

[repeats chorus till the end]

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