Fantasia Barrino - Aint Gonna Beg Lyrics

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Artist: Fantasia Barrino
Song Title: Aint Gonna Beg
Visits: 1132
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I mean, I'm not gon' beg you (ooh, ooh)
I see, I see you just ain't, ain't actin' right
It's okay (woo, woo, woo)

Everytime I need someone to be there
When I had me one of them crazy days (I ain't gon' beg you)
Everytime I want someone to treat me
Like they always said they were gon' treat like (I ain't gon' beg you)

Cause I let you slide before
But I see you ain't gon' learn
Since you like to play with fire then I'ma let us burn
(Boy, you) ain't nothin'
(Gon' miss) my lovin'
And last time was the last time, so I'm through with you

No, I ain't gon' beg you no more
I'm sick and tired of waitin'
Don't know what I'm waitin' for
Cause you know you don't treat me like you should
When you know I'm the coldest thing up out this hood
No, I ain't gon' beg you no more
And if you not down with this
Then baby, there's a door
I'm usually not the type to just lay it down and quit
But a lot of men would get with this
So I ain't gon' beg you no more
Everytime I wanna be wined and dined
Taken out on a Friday night
To spend a little time (I ain't gon' beg you)
And everytime I need some huggin' and some lovin'
But it's late and I don't get nothin' (I ain't gon' beg you)
Cause I let you slide before
But I see you ain't gon' learn
Since you like to play with fire then I'ma let us burn
(Boy you) ain't nothin'
(Gon' miss) my lovin'
And last time was the last time, so I'm through with you

No, I ain't gon' beg you no more
I'm sick and tired of waitin'
Don't know what I'm waitin' for
Cause you know you don't treat me like you should
When you know I'm the coldest thing up out this hood
No, I ain't gon' beg you no more
And if you not down with this
Then baby, there's a door
I'm usually not the type to just lay it down and quit
But a lot men would get with this
So I ain't gon' beg you no more

(Ooh) said, I'm through with being patient
I ain't here for you just to come and
(Take it when you wanna take it)
You took it all for granted (all that good love and all that freaky stuff)
It's all gone
(But that's how you is) then let me tell you this
(Take your lame ol' tired excuses somewhere else)somewhere else
Cause you weak and I don't wanna hear it (you weak and I don't wanna hear it)
Stay away, I don't wanna get near it
Cause boy, I'm movin' on without you

No, I ain't gon' beg you no more
I'm sick and tired of waitin'
Don't know what I'm waitin' for
Cause you know you don't treat me like you should
When you know I'm the coldest thing up out this hood
No, I ain't gon' beg you no more
And if you not down with this
Then baby, there's a door
I'm usually not the type to just lay it down and quit
But a lot men would get with this
So I ain't gon' beg you no more

Ain't gon' beg you to love me
Ain't gon' beg you to hold me
Ain't gon' you to pick up and take me out
I ain't gon' beg you to ice me
Ain't gon' beg you to wife me
Ain't gon' do things a real man about

Ain't gon' beg you to love me
Ain't gon' beg you to hold me
Ain't gon' you to pick up and take me out
I ain't gon' beg you to ice me
Ain't gon' beg you to wife me
Ain't gon' do things a real man about

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    Maybe you need space or some time
    And I don't want to make you unhappy..."
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    Held me closely, so close I felt love inside
    Its like paradise when he..."
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    Someone I could roll with
    Just when I thought I found me
    Someone I could go with..."
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    And did you find your pot of gold
    Ever catch a shooting star
    Tell me how high did you soar..."
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