Farmer Boys - Turn The World To Ice Lyrics

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Artist: Farmer Boys
Farmer Boys Author
Song Title: Turn The World To Ice
Visits: 807
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face the fact, there's no road
that can take me back
take me to the start, to the altar
where i sold my heart
of all the eyes that i have closed
of all the lives i have disposed
face the fact, i'll never give them back
in your arms i'm healed
of blood that spilled
in your arms i kill?
face to face we were always
moving to this place
this place where mercy dies
where the truth is covered up in lies
for all the doors that i have closed
for all the lives i've bought and sold
face to face, my private fall from grace
but in your arms i'm healed
of blood that spilled
in your arms i kill the pain i feel
stalking the world with novacane eyes
i settle the score and name the price
freezing in motion frozen in time
i turn the world to ice
in your arms i'm healed
of blood that spilled
in your arms i kill the pain i feel
stalking the world with novacane eyes
i settle the score and name the price
freezing in motion frozen in time
i turn the world to ice

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