Farmers Boys - Soft Drink Lyrics

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Artist: Farmers Boys
Song Title: Soft Drink
Visits: 717
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I'm in need of something refreshing
Think I need a soft drink

Think I need something to calm me down, I get in a state
Can't seem to cope with mixing my drink and work these days
I'm going down, drown for the third time in the froth and dregs
Try to walk across the floor but I can't feel my legs

Oh anyone here help me find my way to bed
How can I hope to cope with an aching head?
Bababada etc

Just let me feel the thrill of it fizzing up my nose
I can even feel the blood returning to my toes
I'm going down, drown for the third time in the froth and dregs
I try to walk across the floor but I can't feel my legs

Oh anyone here got an antidote to take
How can I hold my beer when I've got the shakes?
Bababada etc

Think I need something to calm me down, I get in a state
Can't seem to cope with mixing my drink and work each day
I'm going down, drown for the third time in the froth and dregs
Try to walk across the floor but I can't feel my legs
My legs, my legs...

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Other Farmers Boys song Lyrics
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    I've said my piece, I can't say anymore
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  • Heartache
    Heartache's back again
    And I never thought I'd stand to feel this pain
    Teardrops are falling down my face..."
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    I'm moving over for someone to come
    I now he'll be here soon..."
  • In the Country
    "Ba ba-ba-ba-bah ba-ba-ba-bah ba-ba-ba-bah
    Ba ba-ba-ba-bah ba-ba-ba-bah ba-ba-ba-bah
    When the world in which you live in
    Gets a bit too much to bear..."
  • Matter of Fact
    "It's not that I don't care for you
    I just didn't want you to know
    I may not be so perfect but
    You knew that a long time ago..."
  • More Than a Dream
    "I'm speaking, not thinking, not sure if I'm making sense
    I'm dreaming, not sleeping, awake it doesn't make sense
    But I'm waiting for a sign
    Anything to stall for time..."

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