Farmers Boys - Wailing Wall Lyrics

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Artist: Farmers Boys
Song Title: Wailing Wall
Visits: 680
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Find out there's a lot to learn,

Seems such distress.

Looks like every move is planned,

Only to impress.

Find out its another day seems such relief,

Can't you see, how else can I come to terms

With a time beyond belief?

I could get lost but someone always points the way.

I know there's a lot at stake, must be some kind of mistake,

I'd give more, than I could take, I know I've taken beatings,

But all that's hurt is feelings.

Look out there's a way to go, only use some sense,

More or less seems like every word is planned

Just to cause offence,

I'm only one of millions struggling the the day.

I know there's a lot at stake, must be some kind of mistake,

I'd give more than I could take, to meet with your approval.

I'll wait for the second tide, I know that its cold outside.

Who cares if it dents my pride, I'm giving up all vices

To help me through this crisis.

Oh there's a lot to learn, how can I come to terms?

Oh its another day, so much to say.

I could get lost but someone always points the way.

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  • Heartache
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    Ba ba-ba-ba-bah ba-ba-ba-bah ba-ba-ba-bah
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    Gets a bit too much to bear..."
  • Matter of Fact
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    I just didn't want you to know
    I may not be so perfect but
    You knew that a long time ago..."
  • More Than a Dream
    "I'm speaking, not thinking, not sure if I'm making sense
    I'm dreaming, not sleeping, awake it doesn't make sense
    But I'm waiting for a sign
    Anything to stall for time..."

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