Faron young - Gentle on My Mind Lyrics

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Artist: Faron young
Song Title: Gentle on My Mind
Visits: 674
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(John Hartford)

Well, it's knowing that your door is always open
And your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to keep my sleeping bag rolled up
And stashed behind your couch.

And it's knowing I'm not shacked by forgotten words and bonds
And the ink stains that have dried upon some line
That keeps you in the back roads by the rivers of my mem'ry
That keeps you ever gentle on my mind.

It's not clinging to the rocks
And I'd be planted on their columns now that binds me
Or something that somebody said
Because they thought we fit together walking.

It's just knowin' that the world will not be cursin' or forgiving
When I walk along some railroad track and find
That you're movin' on the back roads by the rivers of my mem'ry
And for hours you're just gentle on my mind.

Though the wheet fields and the clothes lines
And the junk yards and the highways come between us
And some other woman cryin' to her mama
'Cause she turned and I was gone.

I still might run in silence tears of joy might stain my face
And a summer sun might burn me till I'm blind
But not to where I cannot see you walking on the back roads
By the rivers flowin' gentle on my mind.

I dipped my cup of soap back
From a gurgling crackling caldron in some train yard
My beard, a roughen coal pile
And a dirty hat pulled low across my face.

Through cupped hands round a tin can
I pretend I hold you to my breast and find
That you're waving from the back roads by the rivers of my mem'ry
Ever smiling, ever gentle on my mind. mhm...

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Other Faron young song Lyrics
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    And there's nothing cold as ashes
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  • After the Lovin
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    And I hope you can hear what the words
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  • Almost
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    Almost you were my bride to be
    But each promise that was made
    You have broken and betrayed...."
  • Alone With You
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    When the lonely night surrounds you
    How I'd love to be alone with you
    What I'd give to have the power..."
  • Am I That Easy to Forget?
    "They say you've found somebody new
    But that won't stop my loving you
    I just can't let you walk away
    Forget the love I have for you...."
  • Anything Your Heart Desires
    "Anything your heart desires
    I would give to you my love
    All the world I'd like to give
    And hand to you the stars above...."
  • Backtrack
    "Well, I've never been so lonely
    And I've never been so blue
    I'm leaving in the morning
    Gonna backtrack to you...."

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