Faron young - Mama Sang a Song Lyrics

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Artist: Faron young
Song Title: Mama Sang a Song
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(Bill Anderson)

(God put a song in the heart of an angel)
(And softly she sang it to me)

You know I get to thinking a lotta times
about back when I was a boy
The old homeplace where I grew up
Of the days both good and bad.

My overalls were hand-me-downs
My shoes they were full of holes
I used to walk four miles to school every day
Through the rain the sleet and the cold.

I've seen the nights when my daddy would cry
For the things that his family would need
But all he ever got was a badland farm
And seven hungry mouths to feed.

And yet, and yet our homefire never flickered once
'Cause when all these things went wrong
Mama took the hymn book down
And mama sang a song.

(What a friend we have in Jesus)

Oh, I've been rocked to sleep many a night
To the tune of ''What a Friend''
And come morning ''Rock of Ages'''
Why it would wake me gently once again.

And then dad he'd reach up
And he'd take the Bible down
And he'd read it
Read it loud and long.

And I always felt that maybe
our home was blessed
When daddy would say
Mama sing a song.

Let see sister left home first I guess
And there was Bob and then Tommy and at last was Dan
By then dad's hair was turning white
And I had to be my mama's little man.

But it seemed that as daddy's back grew weak
My mother's faith just grew that much strong
And those were the greatest days of all
It was there when mama sang a song.

(Rock of ages cleft for me let me hide myself in Thee)

I guess the house is still standing
I don't get to go back there anymore
Least much no voice is left to fill those halls
And I bet there ain't even no steps to grace the floor.

'Cause you see my mama sings in heaven now
Up around God's golden throne
But I'll always believe that this world is a better place to live
Because one time my mama sang a song.

(Precious mem'ries flood my soul)...

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    I just can't let you walk away
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  • Anything Your Heart Desires
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    I would give to you my love
    All the world I'd like to give
    And hand to you the stars above...."
  • Backtrack
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    And I've never been so blue
    I'm leaving in the morning
    Gonna backtrack to you...."

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