Faron young - Po Folks Lyrics

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Artist: Faron young
Song Title: Po Folks
Visits: 697
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(Bill Anderson)

There's a whole lotta people lookin' down their noses at me
'Cause I didn't come from a wealthy family
There was ten of us livin' in a two room shack
On the banks of the river by the railroad track.
And we kept chickens in a pen in the back
And everybody said we was po' folks.

My daddy was a farmer but all he ever raised was us
Dug a forty foot well struck thirty-six gallons of dust
Salvation Army gave us clothes to wear
A man from the county came to cut our hair.
We lived next door to a millionare
But that's how it is when you're po' folks.

We was po' folks livin' in a rich folks world
We sure was a hungry bunch
And if the wolf would ever come to our front door
He'd had to brought a picnic lunch.

My grandaddy's pension was a dollar and thirty-three cents
That was ten dollars less than the landlord wanted for rent
Oh, the landlord's letters got nasty indeed
He wrote get out but pa couldn't read.
And we was too broke to even pay heed
And that's how it is when you're po' folks.

And that's how it is when you're po' folks.

We was po' folks livin' in a rich folks world
We sure was a hungry bunch
And if the wolf would ever come to our front door
He'd had to brought a picnic lunch.

But we had something in our house money can't buy
Kept us warm in the winter and cool when the sun's high
For whenever we didn't have food enough
And the howling winds would get pretty rough.
We patched the cracks and set the table with love
'Cause that's how it is when you're po' folks.

And we wasn't nothin' but po' folks.
My mama and my papa was po' folks
My sister and my brother was po' folks
My dog and my cat was po' folks
And that's how it is when you're po' folks...

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Other Faron young song Lyrics
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    And I hope you can hear what the words
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  • Almost
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    Almost you were my bride to be
    But each promise that was made
    You have broken and betrayed...."
  • Alone With You
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    When the lonely night surrounds you
    How I'd love to be alone with you
    What I'd give to have the power..."
  • Am I That Easy to Forget?
    "They say you've found somebody new
    But that won't stop my loving you
    I just can't let you walk away
    Forget the love I have for you...."
  • Anything Your Heart Desires
    "Anything your heart desires
    I would give to you my love
    All the world I'd like to give
    And hand to you the stars above...."
  • Backtrack
    "Well, I've never been so lonely
    And I've never been so blue
    I'm leaving in the morning
    Gonna backtrack to you...."

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