Faron young - Streets of Laredo Lyrics

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Artist: Faron young
Song Title: Streets of Laredo
Visits: 707
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Beat the drum slowly
And play the fife lowly
I'm a young cowboy
And I know I've done wrong.

As I walked out in the streets of Laredo
As I walked out in Laredo one day
I spied a young cowboy wrapped in white linen
Wrapped up in white linen as cold as the clay.

I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy
These words he did say as I boldly stepped by
Come sit down beside me and hear my sad story
Got shot in the breast and I know I must die.

Beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly
Play the dead march as they carry me away
Take me to the green valley there lay the sod o'er me
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong.

Twas once in the saddle I used to go dashing
Twas once in the saddle I used to go gay
First came the drinking and then the card playing
Got shot in the breast and I'm dying today.

Get sixteen gamblers to carry my coffin
Get six pretty maidens to bear up my part
Put bunches of roses all over my coffin
Roses to deaden the sod as it falls.

Beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly
Play the dead march as they carry me away
Take me to the green valley there lay the sod o'er me
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong...

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  • After the Fire Is Gone
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  • Almost
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    Almost you were my bride to be
    But each promise that was made
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  • Alone With You
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    When the lonely night surrounds you
    How I'd love to be alone with you
    What I'd give to have the power..."
  • Am I That Easy to Forget?
    "They say you've found somebody new
    But that won't stop my loving you
    I just can't let you walk away
    Forget the love I have for you...."
  • Anything Your Heart Desires
    "Anything your heart desires
    I would give to you my love
    All the world I'd like to give
    And hand to you the stars above...."
  • Backtrack
    "Well, I've never been so lonely
    And I've never been so blue
    I'm leaving in the morning
    Gonna backtrack to you...."

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