Faron young - Your Times Comin Lyrics

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Artist: Faron young
Song Title: Your Times Comin
Visits: 704
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(Kris Kristofferson - Shel Silverstein)

Well, I knew she belonged
To someone else at the time
But lonely look in women
Are a weakness of mine.

So I bought all she said about the love
He never gave her
And figured I just love her some
And do us both a favor.

Just as I got up to leave
He walked through the door
And I guess I thought he'd be surprised
But he looked at me as if to say
He's been there before
And he offered me these words to the wise.

He said, you know she's a cheater son
But you believe that you're the one
Who's got a lot of what it takes to change her
And I know now that you can't get her
You ain't much but that don't matter
Nothing suits her better than a stranger.

And the stranger man the better
And the chances are she'll set her
Eyes on you the next time she goes slummin'
So you sit back and wait your turn, boy
You got lots of times to learn, boy
Cool it while you can, your time's comin'.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, it happens that in time
It happened just like he said
And soon enough her shoes
Were settin' under my bed.

And I'll confess I did my best
To prove that man had lied
But nothing short of suicide
Could keep her satisfied.

So buddy, losing her to you
Was just a matter of time
And it's her time for finding something new
Nothing I can say is gonna
Make you change your mind
So I'll just give the same advice to you.

You know she's a cheater son
But you believe that you're the one
Who's got a lot of what it takes to change her
And I know now that you can't get her
You ain't much but that don't matter
Nothing suits her better than a stranger.

And the stranger man the better
And the chances are she'll set her
Eyes on you the next time she goes slummin'
So you sit back and wait your turn, boy
You got lots of times to learn, boy
Cool it while you can, your time's comin'.

I said cool it while you can
'Cause your time's comin'...

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Other Faron young song Lyrics
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    You're the one for me
    The one love of my life
    Is here when you're with me...."
  • After the Fire Is Gone
    "Love is where you find it
    When you find no love at home
    And there's nothing cold as ashes
    After the fire is gone...."
  • After the Lovin
    "So I sing you to sleep after the lovin'
    With a song I just wrote yesterday
    And I hope you can hear what the words
    And the music has to say...."
  • Almost
    "Almost you fell in love with me
    Almost you were my bride to be
    But each promise that was made
    You have broken and betrayed...."
  • Alone With You
    "How I'd love to be around you
    When the lonely night surrounds you
    How I'd love to be alone with you
    What I'd give to have the power..."
  • Am I That Easy to Forget?
    "They say you've found somebody new
    But that won't stop my loving you
    I just can't let you walk away
    Forget the love I have for you...."
  • Anything Your Heart Desires
    "Anything your heart desires
    I would give to you my love
    All the world I'd like to give
    And hand to you the stars above...."
  • Backtrack
    "Well, I've never been so lonely
    And I've never been so blue
    I'm leaving in the morning
    Gonna backtrack to you...."

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