Farris Dionne - Dont Ever Touch Me Lyrics

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Artist: Farris Dionne
Song Title: Dont Ever Touch Me
Visits: 714
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She screams out every night in a billion tears
In desperate fear that you're somewhere near
Faulting her action for all that's occurred
Wanting to tell all, never saying a word
Because she believes you're her hero
She wants to believe you still love her
But if you persist, she just might hurt you
So I suggest you refrain and don't ever touch me (again)
Trying to regain a sense of reality
Only inches away from pure insanity
Releasing the anger, the hurt, heartache and rage
No more feeling like an animal stalked, trapped and caged
Because she believes she's a survivor
She knows that she's on the right track
But just you remember she's a beginner
So I suggest you refrain and don't ever touch me (again)
Haunted by the ghost of the thing left to past
In fear of the presence, the power it has
Realizing there's always a calm before the storm
But there's no one left to keep her from harm
Because she is unable to distinguish one from another
All she knows is she's not going to let it happen again
You should have left this one alone, but I bet you won't ever touch her (again)

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