Fastball - Drifting Away Lyrics

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Artist: Fastball
Fastball Author
Album: Keep Your Wig On (2004)
Fastball - Keep Your Wig On Album
Song Title: Drifting Away
Genre: Rock
Visits: 742
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Got nowhere to stay
Got nowhere to go
Got no one to blame for lettin' myself get so low
It's right on the tip of my tongue
What's the word I'm thinkin' of
It's right in the middle of good and bad
So how can it be love

My brain is too soft
My money's no good
I tend to get lost just walkin' in the neighborhood
It's right on the tip of my tongue
What's the word I'm thinkin' of

Sometimes I feel like I'm drifting away
And that's all I can say
It's nothing I can't control
But in matters of the heart and soul
I must admit that I just don't know

I don't know what to say
I don't know what to do
I don't know what possessed me
To get together with a girl like you
You're right on the tip of my tongue
Are you the girl I'm thinkin' of
Right in the middle of hate and love
An iron fist in a velvet glove

Sometimes I feel like I'm drifting away
And that's all I can say
Gotta step back
And give each other room to grow
Listen to your heart
It'll tell you where to go
I must admit that I just don't know
Admit that I just don't know

Sometimes I feel like I'm drifting away
And that's all I can say
It's nothing I can't control
But in matters of the heart and soul

Sometimes I feel like I'm drifting away
And that's all I can say
Gotta step back
And give each other room to grow
Listen to your heart
It'll tell you where to go
I must admit that I just don't know
Admit that I just don't know
Admit that I just don't know

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Other Fastball song Lyrics
  • The Way
    "They made up their minds and they started packing
    They left before the sun came up that day
    An exit to eternal summer slacking
    But where were they going without ever knowing the way?..."
  • Fire Escape
    "Well I don't wanna be President
    Superman or Clark Kent
    I don't wanna walk 'round in their shoes
    Cause I don't know who's side I'm on..."
  • Better Than It Was
    "Once I had it all planned out
    My dirty fingers moved about
    To make a mess of everything around me
    I don't claim to know my way..."
  • Which Way To The Top
    "Where did you leave your baby
    Bleeding in her bed
    Her ghost has come to stay
    Oh you can try you can't chase her away..."
  • Sooner or Later
    "I'm gonna get under your skin
    Sooner or later
    I'll find the key that lets me in
    Sooner or later..."
  • Warm Fuzzy Feeling
    "I got a warm fuzzy feeling
    When I saw you on t.v.
    You were wearing a piece of me
    And it breaks my heart to look around..."
  • Slow Drag
    "Slow drag off a cigarette
    Slow drag and I'm lying in my bed
    All the world is sleeping like a baby tonight
    I wanna lay you down..."
  • GOD (Good Old Days)
    "I've been thinking about the good old day
    Decorated in a candy glaze
    Each pretty ink blot panel
    Tells a different tale..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Keep Your Wig On" album, click "Fastball Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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