Fastball - Love Doesnt Kill You Lyrics

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Artist: Fastball
Fastball Author
Song Title: Love Doesnt Kill You
Visits: 733
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It doesn't kill you, it's not a one-way ticket to a lonely life
It might break your heart, but the physical risk is low
You might feel so bad that you wanna die
but if you died you would never know
that it didn't kill you
soon you would've felt better
are you happy in heaven?
do you win all the games that they play up there?
do you have a new body?
what kind of wings do you wear?
I haven't felt so bad that I wanted to die
but if I died I would never know
Love doesn't kill you
it's supposed to make you feel better
You're never going to feel any better
once you're dead, you don't get any deader
and you get no lovin' but you feel no pain
never have to lose again
I just wish you could've been a bit bolder
now you're never gonna get any older
and I really do miss you, but how would you know?
Is that the only way to go?
Love doesn't kill you
but you can't run away from the bare inside
you can't just quit right right here
you've gotta let it ride
We've all felt so bad that we wanted to die
but if we died we would never know
Love doesn't kill you
It makes you feel better
you're not ever going to feel any better
once you're dead you don't get any deader
and you get no lovin', but you'll feel no pain
never have to lose again
I just wish you could've been a bit bolder
now you're never going to get any older
and I really do miss you
but how would you know?
It's just too bad that it's too late to let it show

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  • Better Than It Was
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  • Which Way To The Top
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    Bleeding in her bed
    Her ghost has come to stay
    Oh you can try you can't chase her away..."
  • Sooner or Later
    "I'm gonna get under your skin
    Sooner or later
    I'll find the key that lets me in
    Sooner or later..."
  • Warm Fuzzy Feeling
    "I got a warm fuzzy feeling
    When I saw you on t.v.
    You were wearing a piece of me
    And it breaks my heart to look around..."
  • Slow Drag
    "Slow drag off a cigarette
    Slow drag and I'm lying in my bed
    All the world is sleeping like a baby tonight
    I wanna lay you down..."
  • GOD (Good Old Days)
    "I've been thinking about the good old day
    Decorated in a candy glaze
    Each pretty ink blot panel
    Tells a different tale..."

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