Faster Pussycat - Poison Ivy Lyrics

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Artist: Faster Pussycat
Faster Pussycat Author
Album: Wake Me When It's Over (1989)
Faster Pussycat - Wake Me When It
Song Title: Poison Ivy
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 790
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Baby, baby why won't you let me be
You're a major pain in the ass, I do need the hassle can't ya see
Please I need some piece of mind
That I was hoping I could find
But you just kept a buggin
Till I was crawlin under the rug and baby
Stressin, jump back baby back away
Get off my back you monkey
Ya got my nerves jumping like a junkie today

Poison ivy ya come creepin up right behind me
You make me itch baby you're so unkind
Poison ivy you're like poison ivy
You make me itch and I'm out of calamine

So this is how you get your kicks
Lickin up everything after me
Baby don't pet my dog and certainly don't mess with my birds or my
Jesus I got a peeping Tom
And I was hoping she was gone
But she just kept a knockin
Till I was crawlin under a rock and baby
Stressin, jump back baby back away
Get off my back you monkey
Ya got my nerves jumping like a junkie today

Poison ivy ya come creepin up right behind me
You make me itch baby you're so unkind
Poison ivy you're like poison ivy
You make me itch and I'm out of calamine

Poison ivy ya come creepin up right behind me
You make me itch baby you're so unkind
Poison ivy you're like poison ivy
You make me itch and I'm out of calamine

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Wake Me When It's Over" album, click "Faster Pussycat Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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