Fat Amy - Break the Ease Lyrics

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Artist: Fat Amy
Song Title: Break the Ease
Visits: 744
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(R.J. Johnson/Guiney/Reedy)
Quiets her mouth with his eyes
Burning as they fade
she whispers, "Please just try to keep good thoughts of me"
As everybody passed her by, he's the only one who waited
and she never blamed herself for trying
And what's the difference anyway, Indifferent is the only way
they ever seemed to be
decides for him... and it seems so... complicated
As he does with everything he casts a glance so defiant
she lay her hands upon his face and now he can't help thinking
I am not a thankful as I ought to be
Faced this Before... she's wasted once again
feeling Violet burn with every inch of me
Faced this before... and Violet won't five in
she's so afraid she'll break the ease
Now she quiets her mouth
She waits to hear him breathing
You know we're all too proud
she never knows what to do when she always thinks he's leaving
Faced this Before... its wasted once again
feeling Violet burn with every inch of me
Faced this Before... she's wasted once again
Violet always comes to steal a piece of me
you know we're all too proud... it's complicated...
now it's just so loud... she never wants to feel the
pain of breaking off... and Violet's wish will break the ease
and now we've Faced this Before... it's wasted once again
feeling Violet burn with every inch of me
Faced this Before... and Violet won't give in
She never thought she'd break the ease

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Other Fat Amy song Lyrics
  • All the Same
    "half the while... you won't find a way
    it's always what you thought
    just leaving it all again, is the only thing that he's got
    it won't help to feel the pain, he's always too cold to care..."
  • Blue Nubb
    "incapable of making anything make sense
    it's an unforeseen waste of all your time
    resting endlessly, while there's still a chance
    how could this all be your fault or mine..."
  • Bourbon
    "she's learned to sleep with the lights on, and waits to cry
    when she's deep
    stays out every night, comes in alone with his key
    it's easy to justify... you smell bourbon when he breathes..."
  • Chili Red
    "At peace, with your pain
    seems like you hurt forever
    Didn't want you to go away
    Will it always feel the same way..."
  • Come Undone
    "inching closer to finally realize, your will to live
    became a will to die
    so quick to questioning everything, it feels so cold
    I'm finally in unfamiliar surroundings..."
  • Early November
    "Feel the glow from the lampshade, its the shadow that shows his age
    He's an old man with a weathered soul, who burned to live before he got
    far too old
    he tells stories to fill the space..."
  • Fortunate
    "Staring down the walls, with your empty hands
    never forced you to feel anything
    stealing back the time and all the innocence of everything
    has finally made you see... it's finally made you believe...."
  • In the Middle
    "A makeshift mirror frames the tortured space
    She's got porcelain violet angels hanging around her waist
    and she's caught up in the middle of everything
    The steam pours off the cost as she steals the night..."
  • ...Show All

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