Fatboy Slim - Because We Can Lyrics

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Artist: Fatboy Slim
Fatboy Slim Author
Song Title: Because We Can
Visits: 871
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Because we can, can, can
Yes we can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can, can
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh

Everybody can, can

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh

Everybody can, can

Because we can, can, can
Yes we can, can
Yes we can, can
Because we can, can, can
Yes we can, can
Yes we can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can, can, oh

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Everybody can, can

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Can can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can

Everybody can, can (echoes)

Bumpy Bumpy (oh, oh)
Bumpy Bumpy (oh, oh)
Bumpy Bumpy (oh, oh)
(Grinding) (oh, oh)
Bumpy Bumpy (oh, oh)
Bumpy Bumpy (oh, oh)

Can can, can
(Can, can, can)
Yes we can, can, can
(Can, can, can)
Yes we can, can, can
(Can, can, can)
Because we can, can, can
(Can, can, can)
Yes we can, can, can
(Can, can, can)
Yes we can, can, can
(Can, can, can)
Because we
(Can, can, can)
Becaue we
(Can, can, can)
Because we
(Can, can, can)
Because we
(Can, can, can)
Because we can, can, can
(Can, can, can)
Because we can, can, can
(Can, can, can)
Because we can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can, can

Everybody can, can
Because we can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
Can, can, can, can
(Fades to cheers and applause

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