Fatboy Slim - Song For Shelter (Chemical Brothers mix) Lyrics

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Artist: Fatboy Slim
Fatboy Slim Author
Song Title: Song For Shelter (Chemical Brothers mix)
Visits: 918
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I get deep, I get deep, I get deep, I get deeper
into this thing
the deeper I go
the more knowledge I know
what to sing
what to bring

I get deep, I get deep, I get deep, I get deeper, deeper, deeper
into the rhyme
wha? why?
Chillin' in the corner at the shelter all by myself
checkin it out im not dancin' no more but
why? why? why? wha?

How on earth are you supposed to vibe around the fake ones
the one, the ones that say
they know what is what but they don't know what is what
they just strut
what the fuck?

I get deep, I get deep, I get deep, I get deep, I get deeper
into this thing
and I pretend that they're not there
I just stare
up in the booth at the dread man spinnin the song
spinnin it strong
playing things like
we cannot house we can
thats my shit

I get deep, I get deep, I get deeper, I get deeper
when people start to disappear
and it's about six o'clock
whoo I'm feelin' hot
take off my sweater and my pants
and I start to dance
and all the sweat just goes down my face
and I pretend that there's nobody there but me in this place
I get deep, oh i get deep, what?

I get deep, I get deep, I get deep, I get deep
he takes all the bass out of the song
and all you hear is highs and it's like
oh, shit!
I get deeper

I get deep, I get deep, I get deep, I get deep
and the rythym flows through my blood like alcohol
and I get drunk and I oh all over the place
And I catch myself
right on time
right on line
with the beat
and its so sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet

I get deeper
I get deeper
I get deeper

Wha? the house music was ale
and Doctor love would be my song
And I would only take deep breaths
and fill my lungs with the rythym or the bass
I get deeper
heh, ha

Now it's about three and I see people goin'
spinnin' jumpin' and grindin'
as if they had wings on their feet
raising both hands in the air as if Jesus was the DJ himself
spinnin those funky funky funky house beats

And in this temple we all pray in unity for the same thing
with matic pause without cause
bass from those high definition speakers
sitting in the corner on each side of the room
givin' us the boom boom boom
to our zoom zoom zoom
the smell of a L lit while walking by
but the music gets me high
saint defy like and old lady in church
we get happy
we stomp our feet
we clap our hands
we shout
we cry
we dance
and we say
sweet lord, speak to me
speak to me, speak to me, speak to me
because we love house music
and on this planet it brings us together
like a family reunion every week
we eat
we drink
we laugh
we play
and we skate
so for all you hip hoppers
you do woppers
name droppers
you bill boppers
come into our house
to get deep
check it

These guys just keep it rollin'
You gotta just keep it rollin'

Sunday, Monday morning (its backwards)

Out under the big bright yellow sun (x40)

Song For Shelter (Chemical Brothers mix) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    and ya don't......"
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    talkin' 'bout my baby
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