Faulty - Rainy Days In The Big City Lyrics

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Artist: Faulty
Song Title: Rainy Days In The Big City
Visits: 738
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been raining for some days..
and all I think is just how cold it really is
how cold it has become
its hard to tell when I've felt dead for this year

and still soaked in greed and still drenched in consumerism
we make our way home somehow
does it ever go away?
does it ever stop repeating?
the cd never stops
and the tv's always on...
the days go by as we live like the games that we play
and this war that binds us to drive on cruise.

how far we've gone! how far we go..
while the reign just pours..

and is it draining you too?
walking thru a crowd, a crowd that has no face
singing yourself to sleep
and you think its seems surreal
the cd never stops
the signal just keeps on and on

and we keep on living, and we swear that this will be our last night in this filth
does it ever go away?
does it ever stop chasing?
the cd never stops
the radio frequencies and days go by
as we live like the games that we play
and this war that binds us to buy low and sell high

how far we've gone! how far we go...
while the reign just pours

the powers out and I haven't seen light in days
manufactured helplessness..
the messengers are blurred, but the message is so damn clear
your all alone in the night (darkness)
Now, in this storm of treachery,
we have no place to go
what makes us think we can keep on strong?
the reign keeps pouring down
the streets are flooded
just tell me you and I
...are gonna wait for the sun

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