Feel So Bad - Messiah Ward Lyrics

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Artist: Feel So Bad
Song Title: Messiah Ward
Visits: 711
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I hope you're sitting comfortably
I saved you the best seat in the house
Right up in the front row
The stars have been torn down
The moon is locked away
And the land is banked in frozen snow

You are a forte of nature, dear
Your breath curls from your lips
As the trees bend down their branches
And touch you with their fingertips
They're bringing out the dead now
It's easy just to look away
They are bringing out the dead now
It's been a strange, strange day

We could navigate out position by the stars
But they've taken out the stars
The stars have all gone
I'm glad you've come along
We could comprehend our
condition by the moon
But they've ordered the the moon not to shine
Still, I 'm glad you've come along
I was worried out of my mind
Cause, they keep bringing out the dead
It's easy just to look away
They're bringing out the dead, now
And it's been a long, strange day

You can move up a little closer
I will throw a blanket over
We can weigh all the tears in one hand
Against the laughter in the other
We could be hanging around here for centuries
Trying to make sense of this, my dear
While the planets try to get organised
Way above the stratosphere
But they keep bringing out the dead, now
It's easy if we just walk away
They keep bringing out the dead, now
It's been a long, long day

Look away
Look away

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    A hand-me-down dress from who knows where
    To all tomorrow's parties..."
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    It will no longer be necessary
    And no more will I say, dear heart
    I am alone and she has left me..."
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    I knew you'd find me, cause I longed you here
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