Feel So Bad - Train-Long Suffering Lyrics

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Artist: Feel So Bad
Song Title: Train-Long Suffering
Visits: 607
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Woo-wooooooo Woo!
In the name of pain!
(In the name of pain and suffering)
In the name of pain!
(In the name of pain and suffering)
There comes a train!
(There comes a train)
A long black train
(There comes a train)
Lord, a long black train

Woo-woo! Woo-woo!

Punched from the tunnel
(The tunnel of love is long and lonely)
Engines steaming like a fist
(A fistful of memories)
Into the jolly jaw of morning
(Yeah! O yeah!)
O baby it gets smashed!
(You know that it gets smashed)
O baby it gets smashed!
(You know that it gets smashed)

I kick every goddamn splinter
Into all the looking eyes in the world
Into all the laughing eyes
Of all the girls in the world
She ain't never comin back
She ain't never comin back
She ain't never comin back
She ain't never comin back
And the name of the pain is...
And the name of the pain is...
And the name of the pain is...
And the name of the pain is...
The name of the pain is
A train long-suffering

On rails of pain
(On rails of pain and suffering)
There comes a train
(There comes a train long-suffering)
On rails of pain
(On rails of pain and suffering)
O baby blow its whistle in the rain

Woo-oo Woo! Woo-oo Woo!

Who's the engine driver?
(The engine drivers over yonder)
His name is Memory
(His name is Memory)
O Memory is his name
Destination: Misery
(Pain and misery)
O pain and misery
(Pain and misery)
O pain and misery
Hey! Hey!
(Pain and misery)
Hey! That's a sad lookin sack!
Oooh that's a sad lookin sack!
And the name of the pain is...
And the name of the pain is...
Ooh the name of the pain is
A train long-suffering

There is a train!
(It's got a name)
Yeah! It's a train long-suffering
O Lord a train!
(A long black train)
Lord! Of pain and suffering
Each night so black
(O yeah! So black)
And in the darkness of my sack
I'm missing you baby
(I'm missing you)
And I just dunno what to do
(dunno what to do)
(Train long-suffering)
(Train long-suffering)
(Train long-suffering)
(Train long-suffering)
O she ain't never comin back
O she ain't never comin back
O she ain't never comin back
O she ain't never comin back
And the name of the pain is...
And the name of the pain is...
The name of the train is...
The name of the train is
Pain and suffering

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    To all tomorrow's parties
    A hand-me-down dress from who knows where
    To all tomorrow's parties..."
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    It will no longer be necessary
    And no more will I say, dear heart
    I am alone and she has left me..."
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    I knew you'd find me, cause I longed you here
    Are you my destiny? Is this how you'll appear?
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