Feenom Circle - Borrowed Time Lyrics

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Artist: Feenom Circle
Song Title: Borrowed Time
Visits: 661
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[Raw J]

Around me time was swirling

At a cafe where joy and pain were converging, a life-less serpent

Thought I summoned him in vein, in the wind and rain

Standing on-top this epitaph of pain

Heard the "whisper of death"

Couldn't bear to hear more

Instantly poured two sips upon this cafe floor

Gravity he carried pulled my soul to skins edges

Horrifying sketches etched into my memory

Bottomless graves was his demand

Could stop the sand in glass that's why I live fast

But my saga continues as the sun rises

Somberly we engaged, this phantom which I now had to gauge

What's your sequence, plan or arrangement?

Now is not your time

Find what you going to find

Your friends lived well, but this is how I live mine

This is how I live mine...


I stay awake in my sleep

and I slumber in my conscience

40 days and 40 nights

that's my visitation rights

uncontrollable urge, predestined is my plan

I walk the earth and wait my turn for my chance to meet the man

But that's a mystery to me beyond popular belief

And I'm open to opinion, anything to ease the grief

The price it's way too steep

You wanna by your way in

I keep my fate prices buried deep beneath my skin

In the midst of discussion, youre fussin who's right or wrong

I find myself alone without a place to call my own

So as I breathe this borrowed time

Footsteps dont follow mine

For in my shadow its cold

Time folds a crease in my mind

Blind leads the crippled

The crippled deaf in the streets

A pocket full of insight, a look at defeat

I keep an even slow pace on this concrete

Thinking about my peeps and how I feel

Somebody punched the wrong clock on my folks

How do we cope?

Young tope said to live and let die

Until one of his own fell outta sight?

[Side B]

And I was born when I stopped breathin

When my heart stopped I started livin

Stepped outside this prison

Made of cold flesh and brittle bones that once provided

Shelter to my spirit, but fate decided where chance

And circumstance coincided, my trance was now

Locked in permanent

This indiscriminate force takes course with no determinants..

I was a candidate ever since I had this thing called life

A boarding pass for some folks was a murderer's knife

I'd die to live, but cant grasp this paradoxy

Destiny was overlooked by the scalpels of autopsies

In crowded churchyards we bury pain and grief

Instead of loved ones, exhausted physical tabs

In time inscribes names upon concrete slabs

Placed above their tombs but below their souls

Flatlined but resurrected in minds of those who spent time

Before his stopped

My tears lagged behind emotions of guilt, but the pain made sure

That he wasn't forgot, that I wasn't forgot, that you wasn't forgot

that we wasn't forgot....

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