Feenom Circle - Days Go By Lyrics

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Artist: Feenom Circle
Song Title: Days Go By
Visits: 732
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[Side B]

its vertical on the horizon, my presence is missed

residing in the only place where joy and pain co-exist

I breathe a different kind of air now, the sweetest oxygen

the scent of my youth, a fluid nostalgia was a visual intoxicant

no longer bottled up...

reminiscin while they poured it in a bottomless cup

I savored it when I tasted it, at times I wasted it

drowning in the shallowest sorrow

but now I'm living only for the yesterdays of tomorrow

my mind frames a photograph of time frames of the past

every moment I'm living is half as long as it lasts

we cant feast before we fast, every supper's my last

I kept my mind open, eyes closed, and hands clasped

sippin hours from the glass of father time and mother earth

it's like a circle plus five, I'm celebratin my birth

even though it ain't the twenty-third day of september

remindin me of all the things that I forgot to remember

like the sunlight that guides the rains choreography

as I live the final pages of my autobiography feelin blessed

man I'm feelin blessed..


I'm life one step at a time, I'm life one step at a time


Living in the moment, trying to live out my destiny

Came from the strongest source

Ain't gonna wander, off course

Still the days go by, blessed one time

Night and day coincide

I just wanna live, I just wanna live


I'm kinda antsy on my feet, on these downtown streets

these people hustle hustle for a seat, I can't compete

A moment of clarity is all that's needed

I weeded out the noise

The city meshed in petty feuds

Fine tuned to a single voice

My heart pumps out the words

Pen in hand I keep the pace

Easy as it comes, it can go

I'm trying to hold down this space for a moment

Keeping the next 24 hours in mind

I'm keeping my soul aligned

With my actions, each muscle relaxing my inner peace

I'm looking at my self and I'm asking am I complete

See I'mma soak up what I can before the index hits delete

All the colors, all the taste

What I feel up in this place

All the sun up in these rays, theres a number on my days

I spit each rhyme like my last, every word to every phrase

Sacrafice my own for what it's worth, that's my way

My existence, I travel through time to leave my mark

No resistancece, don't want it to end before it starts

I live my life?



[Raw J]

Touched by a tune, embracing composition

Words can't do it justice

It's like the humming and singing that Ma do in the kitchen

A vision of seeing a stage rendition with my brethren...

This morning I awoke next to love

Not gonna fight you no mo'

Not going to push you to the door...It's a gift

Unwrapping the pendulum that squeezed

more or less trying to let my heart breath

The sky so blue you would swear it's the ocean

The depths of a recovering man roller coasting

The city stares at me, when walking its down I look

Trying to shape these ink blotches inside of this book...Therapy

A bum's drunken soliloquy got me bare-footing to the ends

Saw death tug the laces of undeserving friends...Live and pray

With my hands holding a self taught bible

With my head half on a pillow, half on a wall

Laying down, scrawling blood, writing this for y'all

I was given this world and only asked to conduct

And go about like I don't give a fuck about nothing else but living

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