Feenom Circle - Feenom Circle Lyrics

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Artist: Feenom Circle
Song Title: Feenom Circle
Visits: 697
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[Raw J]
this youngsta told me hip hop music to him was magnetic
like the north and south pole contained
I'm takin headphones to the brain with the volume crankin
absorbin the surroundings on the last car on the bart train
them words on the tape soothed out
but the majority of the passengers moved out
when his eyes opened, mine closed
I'm on stage feelin like this mic ain't on
how come the crowd don't respond?
a poem without a home exhaled with smoke when I spoke this
made from a spirit not from earth guiding me when I wrote this
will y'all slump this?
hold each and one of my peoples in a circumference
paradox though
one speaker box rocks slow
watch the asphalt blow
to you my music sounds distorted, a mute maze
folks that looked like me glanced sideways
please notify or tell me
how our voices got caught up in this devilish geometry
cold circuitry put the latches on unbottled spirits
I could've rode to it, grooved with it
now can't even stand it
all I ever tried to do was transmit what should of been demanded...goddamnit!


and the loudest voice shall prevail, above and below
and more ground-hoggin it and sell your soul...i see too many
doin for themselves
can't think for themselves
a victim to the gravy train on musical scales...
on musical shelves, low-budge ink smudge, hiss or not hip hop's greatest grudge
but I was born to walk this earth in my own world but in your presence
break bread with bankrupt nobles or wealthy peasants

unwritten code holds the clues to those who keep the essence
cash the crop now we left to scrape the culture's resin
sold my name, sold my thoughts 5 dollars a shot
no fame, h

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Other Feenom Circle song Lyrics
  • Borrowed Time
    "Around me time was swirling
    At a cafe where joy and pain were converging, a life-less serpent
    Thought I summoned him in vein, in the wind and rain
    Standing on-top this epitaph of pain..."
  • Circulation
    "this youngsta told me hip hop music to him was magnetic
    like the north and south pole contained
    I'm takin headphones to the brain with the volume crankin
    absorbin the surroundings on the last car on the bart train..."
  • Days Go By
    "its vertical on the horizon, my presence is missed
    residing in the only place where joy and pain co-exist
    I breathe a different kind of air now, the sweetest oxygen
    the scent of my youth, a fluid nostalgia was a visual intoxicant..."
  • Masters Too
    "And strength prayed to be fearless like me
    When the lights go out at night, I can see
    Love had to ask me where I got this heart
    Been here forever, so don't put a date on my art..."
  • Misunderstanding
    "I feel so misunderstood
    so I write these rhymes tryin to relate
    but it sho aint easy
    now as this poetry flows in me..."
  • Nothing Yet
    "How many emcees must get dissed?
    Style upon style, main points get missed
    I play a riff, to lead my own boat into a cliff
    Crews drift, wholes songs composed float in limbo..."
  • Tunnelvision
    "It don't touch me right
    I can't sleep at night
    Living through the day
    Trying to find a way..."

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