Feenom Circle - Tunnelvision Lyrics

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Artist: Feenom Circle
Song Title: Tunnelvision
Visits: 685
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[Raw J]

It don't touch me right

I can't sleep at night

Living through the day

Trying to find a way

Are you able to see me tunnel vision for real

Feels like we're broken in to fragments

Broken design inside percussion and kicks

Ever so helpless, ever so basic


Where we tried to take it


Thought I had it

But really didn't

Prayers unanswered

Masses hoping

Fists closed

Eyes never open

Moment extreme

Path unclear

Cries unheard

Global crime scene

Skin melanin

Under light post

Living ghost in this city of sin

Walk a thin line next to oblivion

Hustle and grind shadows as kin

Judge gavels echo and I just can't let go of the fact

That some of our folks won't be here to see the world collapse

Out here the animals set the traps

Can't see too far let the lawn chairs fold

Witness the blue sky looking out your manhole

Essence dynamite

Happy and hurt

Sidewalks where we might perch and perk

Observe on a frequent basis

Hard glances

That fallacy chases

In the blink of an eye

Watch the elapse of time


With yours and mine

Emerging from, the corner of diminished and later

Which doubles as the back of this crowded elevator

I had this perspective hit me like a steel drum

Can't see where I'm going

Can't remember where I'm coming from

Can't especially touch this hurt

When you look at it, it's telescopic on the outskirts

Motherfuckas be like "you can't see me,"

Man, I'm more like "we just can't see"

Feeling like the unbelieved with truthful delivery

Nothing fits, no need for a tailor

Going to die now so y'all can cry later

Soldiers pushing shopping carts to falsely defend

I'm tired of pretending to pretend

Its double edged when you living this blind life

Its like you keep your child in labor but lose your wife

And motherfuckas need to turn up this mic?

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  • Feenom Circle
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    I'm takin headphones to the brain with the volume crankin
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  • Masters Too
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    When the lights go out at night, I can see
    Love had to ask me where I got this heart
    Been here forever, so don't put a date on my art..."
  • Misunderstanding
    "I feel so misunderstood
    so I write these rhymes tryin to relate
    but it sho aint easy
    now as this poetry flows in me..."
  • Nothing Yet
    "How many emcees must get dissed?
    Style upon style, main points get missed
    I play a riff, to lead my own boat into a cliff
    Crews drift, wholes songs composed float in limbo..."

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