FEFE DOBSON - Kiss Me Fool Lyrics

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Song Title: Kiss Me Fool
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Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Tell me what does it mean to be alone?
Can't you see me standing staring out from the distance,
hear my cry if you'd only listen...

Kiss me fool, if you can.
And those words, you'd better mean it.
Lady Cool is over there...
Why the spell of secracy?
God forgive, I can't find out what we did.
Why can't someone like you be someone like me?

Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Tell me what does it mean to be alone?
Can't you see me standing staring out from the distance,
hear my cry if you'd only listen...

Touch me fool, if your allowed.
I'll be dancing in the cold.
It's so cool to play around, take your hand and come with me.
I'm aware that all in love is fair, but that's no reason to make me feel this way.

Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Tell me what does it mean to be alone?
Can't you see me standing staring out from the distance,
hear my cry if you'd only listen...

Don't ask me somehow to deny it, ooooooooooh,
these feelings are out of control.
Do you know what it's like to want something so bad...
and then having to let it go?
And it hurts me to know that this time in our lives...
so soon will be in the past
and you spend it pretending your playing it cool.
Never knowing,
never knowing,
never knowing what,
what we should've been.

Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Tell me what does it mean to be alone?
You've got me wondering if I'm good enough.
Freedom...Giving it up...Especially now

Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Who should I be? Who should I be? Ooooh...
To mak

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Other FEFE DOBSON song Lyrics
  • 8 X 10
    "Don't only wanna dream about you, yeah
    But a dream like this should never be this hard
    If I should live this life without you, yeah
    I'd come back and try it from the start..."
  • 8x10
    "Dont only wanna dream about you yeah
    But a dream like this should never be this hard
    If I should live this life without you yeah
    I'd come back and try it from the start..."
  • Bye Bye Boyfriend
    "I've been lying,
    to keep you from this pain
    Now your crying,
    and to know that I'm to blame..."
  • Dont Go (Girls and Boys)
    "I was ridin' my bike on 43rd street
    Past the station and
    There's one person without a seat
    Got my sunnies 'cause the sun just..."
  • Everything
    "Ayo ladadayo
    Ayo ladadayo ladeeda
    Sometimes I give in to sadness
    Sometimes I don't..."
  • Give It Up (Album)
    "He wants her
    She wants him too
    Broken message coming through
    Same story for different fools..."
  • Give It Up
    "He wants her
    She wants him too
    Broken message coming through
    Same story for different fools..."
  • Giveitup
    "He wants her she wants him too
    Broken message coming through
    Same story for different fools
    Give it up give it up..."

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