Fenix TX - Beating A Dead Horse Lyrics

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Artist: Fenix TX
Song Title: Beating A Dead Horse
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 707
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I hate your can't stand your holding back but
I wanna say much more. Every day gets worse
Can't take this we made this it's been a long time
I'm running out of patience. Watch those evil words
Don't slow down don't go down you should learn how
To take it to the last round. Think of circumstance
Everyones opinions matter more than your words of wisdom.
Give it one more chance
Now you know this is your life and it's so beautiful but pitiful
It's typical and
Now you know this is your life and it's so beautiful but pitiful
It's typical and it's all yours
It's not fair you don't care sometimes I wish we never made it here.
Don't mean what you say
Use your voice make some noise it's on the table so you better make
The right choice. Can't have it your way
Now you know this is your life and it's so beautiful but pitiful
It's typical
Now you know this is your life and it's so beautiful but pitiful
It's typical and it's all yours
Now you know this is your life and it's so beautiful but pitiful
It's typical and
Now you know this is your life and it's so beautiful but pitiful
It's typical and it's all yours

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Other Fenix TX song Lyrics
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  • Surf Song
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    if I was cool i'd be SURFIN'
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  • All My Fault
    "I guess we've had our fun but it seems the fun is over now
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  • Jolly Green Dumbass
    "Well all the things I've said
    to try to make it work
    have all been bent or misunderstood
    Everything was taken the wrong way..."
  • Gboh
    "Sometimes I think of what I could've been
    and then I kick myself knowing that I've ended up just like him
    and there's other times it doesn't seem so bad
    we always used to say with him dead..."
  • Ben
    "Ask me a question
    I'll tell you all I know you ask for my advice
    and then you take a different road
    you traveled oh so far..."
  • Speechless
    "never said a thing to hurt you
    it's what I didn't say that made you cry
    and in all honesty
    I never would have deserted you..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Lechuza" album, click "Fenix TX Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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