FenixTx - GBOH Lyrics

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Artist: FenixTx
Song Title: GBOH
Visits: 748
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Sometimes I think of what I could've been
and then I kick myself
knowing that I've ended up
just like him
and there's other times it doesn't seem so bad
we always used to say
with him dead there'll be no one in our way

Remember the time
he caught us in your room
your hands were down my underwear
and your tig ol' bitties glistening in the air
with the zip of my pants well I headed for the door
and with the swing of his fist
you were laid out on the floor

and Involuntary Self defense call it what you will
How can we go on
where do we go from here
Involuntary Self defense call it what you will
How can we go on
where do we go from here

Running all the way home
scared just like a chump
I turned up the Judas Priest
so I could get my gangsta groove on
And the baseball bat
called to me like a drug
Breaking the law...Breaking the law
I'm gonna kill your mother's fucker with a Louisville Slugger

Involuntary Self defense call it what you will
How can we go on
where do we go from here
Involuntary Self defense call it what you will
How can we go on
where do we go from here.......

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  • El Borracho
    "Tonight I'm yours completely sharing you with pain
    Guilt and remorse have come with me and there dying to play
    Take me down with you
    This feels so far from perfect I'll try and pretend..."
  • Feliz Navidad
    "We wanna wish all of y?all
    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    Turn this shit up y?all
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  • Flight601 All Ive Got Is Time
    "I think about the places I have been
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