Ferlin Husky - Drunken Driver Lyrics

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Artist: Ferlin Husky
Song Title: Drunken Driver
Visits: 795
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Friends there's somethin' been hauntin' me and I just got to tell you bout it

I saw an accident one day that would chill the heart of any man

And teach them not to drink a drop while the steering wheel's in their hand

This awfull accident occurred on the 20th day of May

And caused two dear little children to be sleeping beneath the clay

These two little kids walked side by side along the state highway

Their poor old mother she had died and their daddy had run away

As these two little kids walked arm in arm how sad their hearts did feel

When around the curb came a speeding car with a drunk man at the wheel

The drunk man saw the two little kids and he hollered a drunken sound

Get out of the road you little fools and the car it brought them down

The bumper struck the little girl taking her life away

While the little boy in a puddle of blood in the ditch lying there did lay

The drunk man staggered from his car to see the damage that he had done

And he let out a yell you could hear for miles when he recognized his dying son

Such mourning from a drunken man I've never heard before

While kneeling at the running board he prayed to heavens door

Saying oh God please forgive me for this awful crime I've done

And his attention then was called away by the words of his dying son

And he said daddy why did you do this to us how come you run us to the ground

It was you and mommy we was talking about when the car it brought us down

And I was just telling little sister that I knew we'd see you again someday

But daddy why did it have to be like this why did it have to be this way

Why daddy why

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