Fernandez Millane - I Miss You Dam Dubi Dam Lyrics

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Artist: Fernandez Millane
Song Title: I Miss You Dam Dubi Dam
Visits: 766
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Intro: Dam Dubi Dam
Dam Dubi Dam

Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I miss you like the flowers
Are missing the sun
Oh nane nane Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
Oh love is here and now you?re gone (now you?re gone)
Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I miss you like the first time
I like hear the song
Oh nane nane Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I need you more than anyone

1. Oh stay with me ? I need your love
Til eternity ? can?t get enough
And in your arms, I?m feeling so excited
You?re the one for me
Oh hand in hand, I?ll go with you
I live my dreams and some lies are true
And every thing reminds me, of your love, boy
You?re the one for me

Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I miss you like the flowers
Are missing the sun
Oh nane nane Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
Oh love is here and now you?re gone (now you?re gone)
Oh Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I miss you like the first time
I like hear the song
Oh nane nane Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I need you more than anyone
Dam Dam Dam Dubi Dam

Dam Dubi Dam
Dam Dubi Dam

2. Please talk to me, don?t leave this way
Oh can?t you see, what words can?t say
Oh in my dreams I?ll tell you secret stories
You?re the one for me
We had it all, don?t let it end
Oh you can?t win, with a losing hand
Can?t put my arms around a memory, boy
You?re the one for me

Refrain Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I miss you like the flowers
Are missing the sun
Oh nane nane Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
Oh love is here and now you?re gone (now you?re gone)
nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane
nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane
nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane nane
I need you more than anyone

Dubi Dam
I miss the sun
Dam Dubi Dam
Dubi Dam
I miss you like the sun

Refrain Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I miss you like the flowers
Are missing the sun
Oh nane nane Dam dubi Dam Dubi Dam
Oh love is here and now you?re gone
Dubi Dam

Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I miss the sun
I miss you like the sun
I miss ever like here the sun
Dam Dubi Dam Dubi Dam
I need you more than anyone
Dam Dam Dam Dubi Dam

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