Fernando Ortega - Margee Ann Lyrics

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Artist: Fernando Ortega
Song Title: Margee Ann
Visits: 707
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My dearest, darling Margee, sleeping in my arms,
dreams flutter just behind your eyes.
And in the eucalyptus branches all along the hill,
birds sing their songs to the night.

I love to hold you near me, I love to hear your breath,
blending with the swaying of the trees.
I love to wake together in our quiet home,
that looks down the hill to the sea,
white sails on the sea....

You're the first light of the morning, my cool sunrise.
You're my love across the table, a little sleep in your eyes.
You're my strong cup of coffee, you like to laugh right with me.
You're my heart's companion, my one true companion,
sweet darling, lover of mine.

Dear Margee stay with me, don't wander from my side,
I can't imagine life without you here.
The longer we're together, the more I realize,
our love was meant for the years,
we're made for the years....

You're the first light of the morning, my cool sunrise.
You're my love across the table, a little sleep in your eyes.
You're my strong cup of coffee, you like to laugh right with me.
You're my heart's companion, my one true companion,
sweet darling, lover of mine.
You're the first light of the morning, you like to laugh right with me,
sweet darling, lover of mine

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