Ferron - Dazzle The Beast Lyrics

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Artist: Ferron
Song Title: Dazzle The Beast
Visits: 823
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Now it's christmas on the cape and I'm a tag-a-long friend
Another winter on the island mighta driven me insane.
It's been a series of cheery gatherings coming slow to a
And the last few can't seem to say goodbye
and in their laughter I'm dozing
And a knock on the door
It wakes me up with a start
You're standing there with your new love
Oh! Home of my heart!

I try to think of what I'm wearing, hoping none of its yours
I was amazed at what becomes you after everything goes
And I see...she doesn't have my slouch
And....she doesn't have my nose
And she doesn't have my luck
And...she doesn't have your clothes!!
It was out with the old
And you moved to the east
You were going for the gold
You were going to dazzle the beast

It was out with the old
And you moved to the east
You were after the gold
You were going to dazzle the beast

Well where's Houdini when you need him
to make a Joker an Ace
To make light of the moment
by turning Time back into Space

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