Ferron - Venus As Appearances Lyrics

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Artist: Ferron
Song Title: Venus As Appearances
Visits: 779
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She told me about a silver lake tucked tight
behind a rock face
Your basic demons tell you fools come late
(I thought maybe I should go)
I had my reasons but they left me in the night
Where the quiet meets the cracking of a heartbreak
Some mountains you can wander in the night
And some mountains you're not supposed to know.

It's like...some people got their wild wild hearts
And some others bide their time until they meet them
When co ordinates are disappearing stars
Maps can't help you can't believe them
You need good vision, clear water in your flask
And time to feel the surging of your heart beat

Your best companion is the one who's gonna ask about
Your soul-lined connection to your foolish feet.
Some mountains you can wander in the dark
(What you know, what you don't)
Some moments are a circus in the park
-- there's no free rides --

I've met the desert with its hot dry wind
I know pain...I get enough through predilection...
A hundred people want to tell you where they've been
A hundred others want to go in that direction,
I long to say I actually made it to the top
And gazed out across that glassy water
I wasted nights with dreams of kisses so hot
'Course the ending was same as if I'd gone without her.
..Illusion and love is: Venus as Appearances...
come on over...
.Illusion and love is: Venus as Appearances...
come on over...
.Illusion and love is: Venus as Appearances...
come on over

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