Fey - Come And Go Lyrics

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Artist: Fey
Fey Author
Song Title: Come And Go
Visits: 754
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Dealing with all my emotions
I'm holding them back
I'm feeling so sad
I wish you could understand
Taking a dangerous risk to go inside
Needing to be cruel to be kind
Baby I need to feel you cry.
If all the dreams we share are still alive
They'll come and go
Reminding us of what we are and what we have
Fleeting inside our hearts they'll find a way
To come and go
Dreams never let you down, down, down, down, no
Please listen I want you to know
I feel what I feel
I don't need any answers
Everyday it looks just the same
And it's driving me crazy
This time I need to feel you cry
If all the dreams we share are still alive
They'll come and go
Reminding us of what we are and what we have
Fleeting inside our hearts they'll find a way
To come and go
Dreams never let you down, down, down, down, no
There are things that we cannot hide
No more lying
I know deep inside
We can still be together
If all the dreams we share are still alive
They'll come and go
Reminding us of what we are and what we have
Fleeting inside our hearts they'll find a way
To come and go
Dreams never let you down, down, down, down, no
Dreams never let you down, down, down, down, no
Fleeting inside our hearts they'll find a way
To come and go
Dreams never let you down, down, down, down, no
If all the dreams we share are still alive
They'll come and go
Reminding us of what we are and what we have
Fleeting inside our hearts they'll find a way

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  • Ay Que Pesado
    "?Ay!, qu? pesado, qu? pesado
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    no te lo pienses demasiado
    que la vida esta esperando...."
  • Los Amantes
    "Yo soy uno de esos amantes
    Tan elegantes como los de antes
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    Entre semana voy deportivo..."

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