Fiction Plane - If Only Lyrics

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Artist: Fiction Plane
Song Title: If Only
Visits: 702
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The old mans been stealin she's holdin the greevin for hundred a years we all keep believin that history repeats
itself year after year.
i fears that the future is worse
we have to give in to a hundred year curse
sweatin the sun like we're diggin a grave
dig deep enogh and our fortune is saved

if only if only
the wood pecker sighs
the bark on the trees was as soft as
the sky
as the wolf waits below
hungry and lonely
he cries to the moo-oo-oon
if only if only

chasin the sky our beautiful wife you make mistakes and it's my back that breaks and forever my prosteals my life to
i'm beat but there's hope beneath these feet
blisters and blood and the sun makes you blind you don't let it eat ya it can't help but be kind cause you know what's
important with your back to the world you can break metal chains and your friends don't let you fall

if only if only
the woodpecker sighs
the bark on the trees was as soft as
the sky
as the wolf waits below
hungry and lonely
he cries to the moo-oo-oon
If only if only

i'm a sun but I found myself a plant
there's no use when i'm fighten my history fightin my history i have no place i'm a light feather there's no use when i'm
fighten my history fighten my history I have no place i'm more like a feather but i can't fly away when i'm fighten myself

if only if only
the woodpecker sighs
the bark on the trees was as soft as
the sky
as the wolf waits below
hungy and lonely
he cries to the moo-oo-oon
if only if only

(repeat chorus)

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