Fifteen - Back Lyrics

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Artist: Fifteen
Song Title: Back
Visits: 720
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So the rent increase has got you down, and you can't afford to live in your own home town

Well I bet everybody's feeling the same way

Say you're feeling disconnected from the ground, private properties got you down

Private properties got you shut out of your own world

I was born here and I'm not going anywhere

I was grown here and I'm not going anywhere

This is my town, this is my ground, going to take it all back now

And give it away to everybody

Say your boss man had got you down, say her treats you like some kind of clown

Say he treats you like he owns your soul

Say the tax man has got you down, says he takes your money, leaves you sitting around

Spends your money on bombs to promote peace and democracy

I was born here . . .

This land is their land, this land ain't our land

It's based on greed and god and stealing people's land

It's intimidation conquest and mutilation

This land was stolen from you and me

This land is their land this land ain't our land

It was under the guardianship of the native american

Who knew we belonged to the earth the EARTH DID


We are merely guardians

The other night dear as I lay sleeping

I dreamt you held me in your arms

But when I broke you were being tortured

With concrete and cars and bombs

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Other Fifteen song Lyrics
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    Your time has come and gone
    Everything fades away and moves on But I'll still be here
    In a food pantry in Springfield, Massachusetts..."
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    Iraqis and Iranians - Parents and Children..."
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    And every year we look back to see how far we've come
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    So sit back mom and dad and listen well..."
  • Another Year
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    I'd look over at some friend of mine
    I'd realize and say Hey, have you seen the skies
    They've been clear for days..."
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    "Tell the police to go home
    Tell the police to go home
    How many times do I have to get fucked up, how many times
    How many times do we gotta get Jacked up,..."
  • Circles
    "I grew up with a kid named Dennis
    His mom beat him up so bad
    There was nothin' we could do about it
    It happened to his brothers too..."
  • Colorado
    "Got the news from Colorado
    About a couple of kids
    Who went to school and tried to kill everyone
    They said they did it just for kicks..."
  • Communication
    "Where have all the good times gone, when we were together, and life was fun
    I wanted to give you the Moon and the Sun, and share my life with someone
    I didn't want to change your life, I just wanted affection, not a wife
    I didn't want to steal your individuality, and it wasn't just about sexuality..."
  • ...Show All

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