Fifteen - Communication Lyrics

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Artist: Fifteen
Song Title: Communication
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Where have all the good times gone, when we were together, and life was fun

I wanted to give you the Moon and the Sun, and share my life with someone

I didn't want to change your life, I just wanted affection, not a wife

I didn't want to steal your individuality, and it wasn't just about sexuality

I used to think of your smile to myself

But now my life's a guessing game

Communications, broken down, Communications, broken down

My head is spinning round+round you pick me up then push me right back down

I just wish things could be the same, I know they can't go on this way

Sitting here on my birthday, wondering what can I do or say

To bring your friendship back my way, A million times I want to say

If you didn't feel so far away: I'd be picking flowers for you again today

But if you leave me in the dark today: I'll just have to be on my way

Hoping, you'll follow, my trail of tears, to work things out someway

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  • Colorado
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